Friday, May 08, 2009


I'm really excited to be playing at WANGO TANGO this Saturday , May 9th at 5:15pm out in Irvine California. If you guys are close, please stop by and give me a holla!

There's So much going on right now with the album release only 24 days away, I find myself with much to do! But I am loving every minute of it and the most exciting part is that you guys will get to hear all the songs and be able to let me know what you think about it all.

If you would like to see me perform in a city near you just click on that DEMAND BUTTON on my Myspace and let us know where U R so I can find ya! Also, you will be able to hear some new music that will be available on my album.

If you haven't started Twittering, get out there! Go to and get signed up and join me on a journey of my life. U know u want to know what I'm doing everyday! JK

Mason just finished the new Kelsey Music Video. I went out and watched some of the filming and can I just say that my brother is AMAZING! and Metro Station is a great band with a unique sound. I'm looking forward to the future for them cause it's very exciting!

Marc is working on all kinds of projects. Music, Writing, and finishing school. Don't forget to check out his youtubes if you haven't already. and

My new Music Video " HEY!" will be out on the Disney Channel sometime this month, so be on the lookout for that! Can't wait to find out what you think about it!

You guys have an awesome weekend!
