Monday, October 22, 2007

"Shake It" by Metro Station

# 1 Single of the week! I totally forgot to say it.....I hope it still is today...Check out I-Tunes and get my brother Mason's new song ASAP!

Also.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone having a BIRTHDAY!


P.S. Keep reading my's about to get interesting..............


Anonymous said...

awesome, tell your bro he rocks!!!!!!!!

i did this site 4 u,

i'm still working on it though so its kind empty lol

Anonymous said...

gahh, i want it to be interesting NOW!! i can't wait till yur big suprises tho. and i saw metro station and met your bro on saturday! they were awesome! i love their CD!

charlee. (: said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
charlee. (: said...

shake itttt.

it'll be single of the week until sunday. (:

i can't wait to hear the rest of the news, mitch. (:
as long as you're writing,
we'll be reading!

i love youuu. (:

Anonymous said...

I've had Metro's album and ep for the longest. I absolutely love their music. :D Mason has such an addicting voice that'll draw you in instantly. I love the songs he puts up on his music myspace as well... I just wish he didn't take down "Just A Call Away." So hint-hint in case you wanted to let him know. lmao.

Congrats on how well everything is going for you! :) I'm excited to hear this news you're pumping everyone up about. :D Hope things keep going well for you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitchel!
Congratulations to your brother!
I wish I could hear it, but their album is not on Itunes Spain, so...

Sure I'd keep reading your posts, can't wait to know all your news!!
Have a great time!!
Love Ya!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to find out more interesting things. I'm home sick from school because my stomach hasn't been feeling good lately. My mom thinks I'm trying to avoid school or something but really I just haven't been feeling good. I hope you have an awesome week!!Hopefully mine will get better. But it won't be good on Wedsnday because I'm getting four teeth pulled.I love you like a child loves their teddy bear!!

Jess W.

Anonymous said...

I like so much your brother band
especially the song seventeen forever! :)
Daniela (from Israel)

Anonymous said...

awh, mitchel.
I love reading your blog.
Can you give a shoutout to Meeghan from imdb?
I'll seriously bribe you to do it.
please and thank you.

Anonymous said...

that's rad dude

i love that song. it always gets me dancin

i can't wait to see them in sf next month

have a good week. word

Anonymous said...

that's my favorite song by them next to disco ! wow that's awesome ! congratulations metro station ! still waiting to hear the big news !

-xo Michele

Anonymous said...

buuut congrats on your fam..everyone's getting dowwwn&suucch.

sounds DELISSSSH=] ! MWAH xoxoxox

Jenny said...

I need it!!!

Anonymous said...

Omg! I'm sooo glad that shake it got #1! I would have boughten it, but itunes cancelled my account. I know, soooo evil. So I can't even put new songs on my ipod! I only have like 400, and I have a limit of 7,500 songs! So yea. I listen 2 the sammmmme stuff everyday. Fun! Dude, u know the suspense is KILLING me! U don't wanna kill me do u??? Wat does that tell u? *cough tell us b4 I explode cough* don't make me explode, I won't look good in little bitty pieces. Ohh mitchel, if u do go 2 the metrostation concert on dec.3, ill be therez, I think olivia is gonna be there 2, soo yea. We will find u there! U better not be hiding!

Georgina Lily! said...

Hey Hey Mitchy Man.. lol =]

How are you??

And About the song...


I Absolutley love that song!!!! it has to be my favourite, well that and Calafornia!!!

I downloaded it as soon as i heard it, and play it on my phone all the time!!

Byeee Byeee!...

Cant wait to hear more of yours and your brothers songs, you guys ROCK!!

P.S.S. Have a great week =]

Love Georgina x x x x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your brother!! =)


Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much I love "Shake It" I've been listening to them for a few months now and I love them. I bought the album too. They're just so catchy and lovable. Thanks for letting me know about them!

leanneee =] said...

Shake It's my favorite Metro Station song! It's still the single of the week. =]

Ooh you're getting me anxious now! I wonder how interesting this is...


Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear it!!!

Alyssa <33

Anonymous said...


shake it is amazing.

eeeee. the suspense.
i check your blog like 5646916416x a day. haha.

<3 ally m.

Anonymous said...

I bought the Metro Station cd the day it came out and I'm seeing them November 11th.

Of course I'm gonna keep reading your blog! I wanna know what other surprises are coming.

Anonymous said...

OMG I LOVE SHAKE IT its amazing i just got a new metro station t shirt and i am sooo excited to ware it!!!!!!!!!!! i will deffinitly keep reading!

Anonymous said...

OH I forgot to mention that Shake It is one of my favorite Metro Station songs. My favorite song by them changes constantly because its all so amazing but yeah Shake It is up there.

Your brother is EXTREMLY talented. I love the music on his myspace.
You Musso's are all extremly talented and amazing people :).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ahh awesome! i love shake ittt :D, along with all there other songs.
eeek i cannot waitt to hear the interesting newss.


Anonymous said...

awwe, that so rocks.
i love metro station, but i like disco better than shake it, the intro is so funny/cute/great/ i love it. and the lyrics are great.
but i realllllly love the lyrics in dear hannah. that's such a good song.

(ps: me and my friends are thinking of talking someone into doing an acoustic version of disco, maybe if we can record it.. i can post a link. hope so! see ya!)

Anonymous said...

awww omg i heard! soo exciting. i downloaded it first thing. lol thats my second fovorate song after tell me what to do! metro stations music is AMAZING! i love it!



Anonymous said...

Thats awesome. I have to listen to it soon. I come here everyday as soon as I get off the bus to check your blog! I cant wait to hear the news!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE 'Shake it'!! I was on iTunes the other day, and it said Song of the Week, so i looked at it, and it was Metro Station... so i'm like COOL and then i listened to it... and i LOVED it... <3
-.alicia..*<3 = D

Anonymous said...

AHH! i need to listen to it! haha. i haven't gotten metro station's CD's not my fault!! haha. i have to go to lexington to get it and.... that will be a while from now =//

BUT I WILL SOMEHOW. haha. imma bout to go crazy =]]

AHHH. interesting....good i hope? Lol! yes i'm sure. can't wait!!


Anonymous said...

You bro is awesomely awesomeful!!!
You just love to keep people hanging don't you?

See ya

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitchel!!!

Big props to your bro and his band! That's so kool!!! I can't wait to download that song! My fav songs from them are "disco" and "kelsey". I hope to get the CD really soon!!! Tell your bro HE ROCKS!!!!

Ooooooh....interesting, eh? Now Mitchel, you know I think you're awesome, but do you SERIOUSLY have to keep us waiting? Will it kill ya to tell us now?! I don't think we can take it any longer! And i know you must be pretty axious to tell us, too. So just do us all a favor and get it out of your system!!!! PLEEEEEASE!!!!!!

luv, brie

Anonymous said...

yay my birthday is in 2 days :)

Anonymous said...

My birthday is coming up, the 2nd!!! Make sure to wish me a happy birthday hahahaha [=!!!

love, JORDAN

Anonymous said...

that is sooooo cool i saw the pic in the gallery n ur bros n u look so gr8 2gther lik u were totally born to be 2gther well good luck by the way i luv ur funny faces on hannah!! xox
cya ttyl
i made this quote
how can you know who you are until you find out?

Anonymous said...

Eep, "Shake It" is love! I LOVE that song in case you haven't noticed, lmao! :P And umm..."Disco" (the CD version) and "True To Me"..and AW, WHAT THE HECK, I LOVE THE WHOLE CD!! It's uber addicting! *nods*
GAH! I want it to get interesting now...but I'll wait...

Anonymous said...

woo! thats my favorite song from them. im going to their concert on December 4. im soooo excited i like cant wait i was like standing there in chuch yesterday and like out of nowhere i totally remembered that i was gonna go to that concert and i just like started smiling urgh i cant wait. i love your song Leavin! its soo great keep up the good work, hun. i love you


Anonymous said...

I love Shake It!

Lol, you spelt "Peace" wrong when you signed off. :)
You spelt it "Pecae"
Tell Mason to put up "Disco" on Metrostation's myspace page. I love that song!

I can't wait to read more interesting things!!



Anonymous said...

knew that--its the greatest,that and true to me are my favorites!!
well i sure cant wait until the big SUPRISE!!!=] BY THE WAY*i saw on a commercial for wizards of [whatever-sorry! not a clue :s]
place! their last name of the kids are russo which is undoubtly close to MUSSO(ya kno if u replace the m with the r) and i was wondering if dissney thought of you when they wrote that...i know;RINKA!! (random Information No-one Cares About...hehe) just wondering have a great week...mucho love

Anonymous said...

hey mitchel! tell your bro. congrats for gettin # 1! lol thats soo kool! well yah ttyl

xoxo anna

Anonymous said...

awesomee =)
i love Mason's new songs, A Girl Like You, and Call Me Over !
he has an amazing voice i tell ya

Anonymous said...

¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ´¶¶¶¶¶

Megan said...

yayyy surprisess

you should have seen my face when i opened up iTunes and saw metro station as the single of the week! hopefully when i open my bday presents on thursday, their cd will be one of them!!!


Anonymous said...

love the new song.
today was my friends birthday!
haha ill tell himm (:

ayoo maryann! said...

ahh i love shake it :]
But Wish We Were Older is muh faveee <3

I get to see your brother's show on Nov 10th.

Even though i already told you that like 86785743608760 times haha.

You should come perform in New Jersey!
we could dance and party and stuff :]

Anonymous said...

i love 'shake it'

makes me want to shake it.

big shocker there right?


kellyyy said...

amazing song.



Anonymous said...

I love your intresting-ness.
Come to Rochester with Miley on the 16th of DEC! <- hopefully that will be some of your suprising news to come!
loveee you.

Anonymous said...

I am very sad because my older brother took itunes off the computer so I can't buy it and I can't even listen to it on youtube because my computer isn't working very well. I'm lucky when I can get on the internet which isn't very much. I love you!!

Jess W.

christineeee (: said...

hey mitch!!
my birthdays on october 28!! haha

it will be the best birthday present from yooh if yooh simply leave a blog or sumthingg saying happy birthday to mee (:

im turning 14 haha ily mitchel soo soo much <3

tell yoor bro his musicr rocks!!

so will yoors ..

once again my birthdays on october 28!! also, kant wait to hear yoor music!!

With Love,
Christine <3

Anonymous said...

awesome!......can u make it intresting like rite this very minute?.....that'd b so cool!....o and u know how i told u that metro station was in town on saturday...well miley is in town tomorrow!....2 bad i can't c her!....u should go through nebraska when u go 2 utah!....i could c u then!....well g2g!


Anonymous said...


I bought "Shake It!" the first few days it was out for free. I really love it! I'm asking for the Metro Station CD for Hanuakkah. Wow... I'm asking for a lot of things now! lol

I like it when its ineresting. ;-)
I'll be waiting! I'm very excited now!

<3 Liz

Anonymous said...

"It's about to get interesting......" haha. That makes me laugh. Tell Mason congrats for me! It's not my b-day though. It was 2 weeks ago though, so I'll take that as late. Hah. Anyway, I hope you have a great week!


Anonymous said...


loved the song....after u posted the comment i had to listen to it!!

they r sooo good.
can't wait to hear the rest of the news....

Alyssa<3 xoxoxo

Molly said...

ahhhhhh. i love that song with my whole music loving heart! They were actually near me sunday but i like didnt figure out until saturday that they would be there, so im a little disapointed. But im pretty sure within two hours metro station became my favorite band and relient k went down to the number 2 spot.. ohh and still laughing from when you said crap! i laughed so hard my stomach hurt the next morning.

Anonymous said...

wow, I love this song.
actually I like all thier music.
I especially can't wait for the interesting news... =)

Lots Of Love,

Anonymous said...

Yay, you put it up!! Yay, and my comment got posted!!! I'm so happy, last time it didn't show up. :( Anyway, I <3 that song, I'm gonna try to get their CD for my b-day (which is the end of this month). You gotta get YOUR CD out soon so I can get it for Christmas. :D Or if it's out earlier, maybe for a Thanksgiving gift...(I don't know, but I'll get it somehow!)...even though I've never gotten one before.

So, do you know when your CD's coming out anyway? I can't wait for it, I've listened to "Leavin" on Radio Disney's site like 5000 billion times, and I'm memorized that clip already, lol. PLEAAASE tell us if you know, so I can count down the days (I will, trust me)!

<3 Your Biggest Fan
(Same as last time, lol)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitchel!
Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday! That made my day :)
Your brother and his band are awesome by the way.
I can't wait to see some new episodes of Hannah Montana!
Ttyl! buhbye!
I love you soooooo much!

Anonymous said...

Thats cool. Thats awesome that the posts will get more interesting. So awesome! You rock Mitchel. Yes Happy Birthday to all who is having one. Mitchel, keep an eye out for that Petition. I hope you like it and post to me when you get it if you can. Bye!

Anonymous said...

cool ill check it out!! really it is?? sweet!!

Anonymous said...

That is sooo cool!!!
I love Metro Station andthesong is soo cool!!

Tell your bro he rocks!!
and yeah I WILL keep checking your blog=D


Kaylee said...

Ahhh! Give your bro a congrats for me! He's pretty freaky-freaky-fresh. Hahaha. =D

And you WOULD keep leaving us in suspense about this news.

Tsk tsk, Mitchel.


Anonymous said...



i already downloaded their WHOLE album on iTunes!

metro station rocks as much as you do mitchel! :]

btw. what is ur fave song by them?


heather b said...

hey mitchel:)

permit =] yay im excited - hopefullyy ill pass! well anyway thanks for everything that u do, and i think you're amazing. i cant wait to meet you some day !come to ny! lovee yaaaa <3 heather b

charlee. (: said...

the fires keep getting worse...
and now i'm super worried!

i hope you're okay. <3
i love youuu

selah said...

Who cares if I already have the CD? I downloaded "Shake It" just because it was free, and I love the song...and support for one of the coolest bands. If they ever come to Orlando, I will try my darndest to go to their show.

Hm. My birthday is not for a couple of weeks. I feel so old. Turning seventeen...Not that my sixteenth year was anything special. Eh.

I'll keeping reading as long as you keep posting. Deal?

Anonymous said...


Not a big fan of your bros band, but I really did like Shake It! Great song!

Can't wait to hear more news!


Terri said...

OMG i love that song by your brother... cant wait for the suprise

and your song (shake it) will be the #1 single for a long time :)

it has my vote :) and i would buy it on itunes but i dont have an ipod so there is no itunes :(

Anonymous said...

omg it was so weird so today I had a fight with like my best friend and then the episode cuffs will keep us together came on and I was like omg. I thought it was kindva weird. Can't wait to find out the intersting stuff

Miley: Omg doesn't even have the most amazing eyes
Oliver: Yea and that shirt he's wearing really makes them pop and what am I saying?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Hey! you've got me wondering what you've got going on! LOL. Can't wait to hear Mason's song! W2G Metro Station! ILY!

Love always,

simplewords said...

I love that song! I had it within seconds of it coming out!

abby said...

yepp! i got it last tuesday... =] love it. metro stations new cd is great!

love from texas,

christineeee (: said...


ii love shake it!! keeps me wanting to listen to it more. ..

dudeee it seriously would be the best birthday present from yooh if yooh simply say happy birthday christine on october 28 on yoor blog (:

pleaseeee!?! ii hope yooh do

With love
Christine <3

christineeee (: said...

ohh and yoor bros band ROCKS!

Princess™ said...

P.S. have a good day.

Anonymous said...

omg i was just watching the news... wow those fires wow! scary huh! hope u dont know anyone that had to evcuatee!



Anonymous said...

That's great about Metro Station! My birthday was on the 20th... 15!!!! Can't wait to find out all about everything that's going on with you!


Olivia Frescura said...

this can be the SECOND high quality fansite for you.
its still under construction i bought the domain for 20$ a year just like 10 minutes ago :D

am i cool
or am i cool
you make me happy :D

partay ovuh here<3

^funny chiick eh?

marykateee =) said...

i haven't commented in forever.
i'm soo busy.
haha anyway...
i'm going to a metro station concert soooon =].
i'm totally pumppped.
and i obvy. i heard about those california fires....
i hope everything is okay and that you and your family are safeeee.
keep being amazingggg<3

Sarah said...

you spelled peace wrong, but yur so hott

Anonymous said...

I get to meet you on the 27th.

WHOOOOOO bring out the confetti.

I'll be in a green&pink shirt with hugeee black writing.

trust me, you won't miss me;]

... you know...unless the sea of raging hormones (other girls) get to you first.

Alisha X X X X X X X

Anonymous said...

Okay so i just bought metro stations CD on itunes. its AMAZING! i love it!

Have a great week (:

-Caroline H from RI <3

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitchel
I hope your alright in California. You have my prayers and my love!

Hope eveythings ok

Anonymous said...

Hi! Wow, it has been so long since I've commented here, but I've got nothing to say except that I like your songs and that I hope that your having fun with whatever you're doing! ttyl! Hopefully I'll have more to talk about! lol! *smile*


Anonymous said...

thanks for the happy birthday!! =D its not untill the 30th but thank you haha your the best! i less than three you! [<3] hah okay well have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

U shud Feature Ur Song On Disney Or Bringing In A New Episode With Hannah Montana...A Big Way To Show The World

Shireen Mohyi said...

i got the new Metro Station song...
and i loveeee it.
their GREAT


Anna. said...

metro station owns my heart.
hands down.
shakeeee ittt = amazing(:

i love you.

Anonymous said...

cool! my fav pic on this site is the one of u and your bros. u guys look so much alike!!!!!!!
well, next tuesday-thursday i got basketball tryouts for my school team. this year is gonna be pretty intense man. there's i think 20 girls trying out for the 8th grade team including me.

stay fly! lol

-Hannah your homeskillabizcuit

Anonymous said...

Wow i haven't commented in like 3 months!
I just wanted to say that Shake it.....Is AWESOME!! i played it for all of my friends and it's our new favorite song! Tell Mason, and the rest of metro station that they are amazing! :D
Have a great week Mitchel,

Abbster said...

Hey Mitchel!
YAY METRO STATION! they are awesome, i loove shake it. its pretty amazing.
gah, im soo nervous, today im doing a play, high school musical! lol. its at my community theater, so it should be fun. its opening night! im going to keep my fingers crossed!
and... its about to get interesting? its ALWAYS interesting!
well, have an amazingly awesome week and stuff.

Anonymous said...

sweetie you need to update this thing..



I'm going to be queen of hearts=]
it's suuuuccch an amazing/cute costume riggght?

smoochiiesss=]] xoxox

Anonymous said...

oh yea I wanna no too.
whatcha dressin' up as?

luvs ya babe.

Anonymous said...


you say that you're homeschooled but school for you started a month ago..

do you go to a regular high school now or are you tutored with miley?

waaaah get back to me.
happy ALMOST halloween!

Breann said...

i just heard the song n i love it tell ur bro i said congrats....i hope ur doing well.... i just heard about the Cali fires n its making me a nervous wreck not hearing from u!!!! ur in my prayers and i cant wait to hear all the big surprises i can't wait any longer!!....I LOVE YOU LIKE A FAT KID LOVES CAKE!!


Anonymous said...

Metro Station is awesome. im just sad cuz i couldnt get to go to one of their concerts that was close by where i live. can u tell ur brother that hes like so cool? ...and so r U!!

Anonymous said...

it's about to get interesting...YAY! I really hope you come out with a CD soon. oh yea, I CAN"T WAIT FOR YOUR MUSIC VIDEO!!

the hannah episode is gonna rock!

love ya always babe

Anonymous said...

hey mitchel!
how are you? i'm good. i hope you are going to be on more Hannah Montana episodes. tell your bro congrats. that is amazing.. i have not listened to the song (stupid school) but i'm sure it's amazing. it must be weird not to be filming Hannah Montana. i know you can't respond but just wondering... do you get to go trick-or-treating.. or do you and you're celeb friends have a halloween party. just cause of safety.. idk. and i really hope you aren't near those awful fires. idk where they are located, i suck at but if you are near them at all, you are in my prayers!

happy halloween... a lil early =]

Anonymous said...

i think ive uncovered your big're going to open for hannah/miley!! i know i WANT it to be that suince i will be there on the 24th (at knoxville) and i will be missing the alabama-auburn game for it[ROLL TIDE =]
so dont disapoint me! oh! and about the wildfires: im not sure if valencia is anywhere near where they are but i THINK its close to los angelos..but what do i know;i spent the majority of my geography class in the hall last year!! =) but if it is im praying for you and everyone involved to be ok. so please= BE OK!!! well thats all for now gotta get my greys anatomy fix! peace.

Anonymous said...

wow, i always download the single of the week, and i loved metro station.
it hit me like a few days ago.
haha they're totally amazing.


Anonymous said...

mitchel are you a red sox or yankee fan?

Anonymous said...

Can't Wait For The Surprise..Ur songs Are Really Good. No Wonder Billy Ray Asked U To Help Him In Music. I Love Music...And I see alot of dull ones. I know when I see A Good Song...And So Far "Leavin" And "Wasn't Your Girlfriend" ROCK! Lets Go Is good Rap Song. I Picture Leavin In Like A Snow Area...And Wasn't Your Girlfriend Some Dance Or Something Else. You Gonna Make It Big mann...Best Of Luck Mitchel

Anonymous said...

i love all of Metro Station's songs. My birthday is in two days (Sunday)!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitch!

look, I made a pumpkin for you(:

Like it?

it took me forever.
love you kid.

Anonymous said...

Ok i will pecae out, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I am now in suspense. Post soon. I like interesting things.

btw, i'm psyched for the new HM episode... 'Lilly's Mom Has Got it Goin' on'. YOU'RE ACTUALLY IN IT. YAAAAAAY!

ok, going now, bye.

Princess™ said...

Mitchel was that you who emailed me yesterday? If so, I kind of didnt believe it was you and got all mad at Sarah for it, please tell her Im really sorry. Please forgive me Im really sorry to you too, and can you just write me back again.. so I can see for sure that thats really you, because Im about to believe it, Im so thrilled. So, please send me back another message. and again Im really sorry for everything ok. So Ill be waiting for your message again ok =)

~Love ya~

From: Jessica Montes

Anonymous said...

Ahhh i love you!!! and metro station<33 i love your song 'leavin' i want the original so i can use it for my websites :)

kimberley lash said...

I finally made a username :) Ahh i love reading your blogs!

Anonymous said...

i loooooove that song!